About Partisan Collective
Click here to sign up as a Partisan Collective member.
Partisan Collective is your local co-operative arts, culture, political and social organisation. We put on parties, support activist groups, host DIY arts activities and provide a network for grassroots political, social and creative communities.
We are all experiencing escalating rents, and we recently had to give up our permanent space in Islington Mill due unmanageable costs. DIY and grassroots organisations like our own are closing across the country.
Act now to keep our local radical, resistant community spirit going.
Join the Collective: become a member
Members are at the heart of Partisan Collective - your membership keeps Partisan’s events running and our communities connected. It is only because of your involvement and financial support that Partisan exists.
We have a membership model because we’re a co-operative, meaning our members (including you!) have the power to drive our future. Membership fees have typically financed staffing costs, space rent/hire and bills with incidental other outgoings, although it is ultimately up to you as a member where they go. They ensure Partisan is a safe and inclusive community, where our members are supported and share our values.
We have tiers of membership based on what you can afford, with fees set to an income-based sliding scale to ensure Partisan is inclusive for all.
Opportunities for members
Joining an inclusive social community of leftwing and progressive, creative, community-oriented and welcoming people
Access to members only club nights, events, community networks, groups and workshops
The chance to establish new Partisan groups and join any of our current ones, such as Partisan Football, Political Reading Group, Hiking Group, Riso Club, Film Club, Book Group, Writing Group and DJ Club (to name just a few)
Co-op membership with an equal say over how Partisan is run
A direct role in building and supporting a DIY, grassroots organisation in Greater Manchester that is unreservedly by and for the community
The ability to promote relevant events, groups and activities under Partisan’s name, through Partisan’s channels and within Partisan’s wider community of members
Where does Partisan Collective’s membership money go
Space rental/hire
Staffing (long term or for specific events)
Equipment (e.g. materials for events, groups, etc)
Other ad hoc costs, as required and/or decided by members
Sign up for Membership
Choose your membership according to which statement aligns with your current financial situation.
We also have a solidarity membership - £20+ monthly - for those who wish to support Partisan’s work in a more substantial way. This gives the Collective the freedom to act in all our best interests rather than chasing profits and compromising our values. Choosing this option would make you a substantial part of keeping Partisan alive.
Option 1: £15 monthly
I have either sizeable savings, family support if need be, or inherited wealth (or I stand to inherit money/part of a house in the future). This means I don’t worry about any debt I have, or my financial future. I feel secure.
Option 2: £10 monthly
My finances are sometimes a source of stress, but my modest savings, family support, or inherited wealth (currently and in the future) gives me a safety net if I need it.
Option 3: £5 monthly
I can meet my basic needs and am able to enjoy occasional treats, but I have little or no safety net and worry about making ends meet in future.
Option 5: £2 monthly
I can meet my basic needs but I actively think about meeting them and budgeting can be stressful. I need to live in the cheapest place available to me and I struggle to afford holidays or trips away.
Option 6: Free
I have insecure work and/or housing and the only way Partisan membership would be accessible to me is if it is free.
To access this tier please email us at info@partisancollective.net.