People of Colour Forum

Partisan Collective is having an open forum on Saturday 1st September 2018 for members and non-members who identify as people of colour.

It has recently been highlighted that the Collective is a predominantly white space. As one of our missions is inclusivity, it is necessary for our space to reflect Manchester’s diversity. This is why the meeting will focus on improving racial diversity within the space.

The forum will be in 3 parts:

1. Defining race, racism and whiteness as it relates to us in these spaces, and sharing experiences if wished
2. The state of affairs in the wider DIY scene and other collective spaces
3.Partisan Collective itself and how we can improve.

As the intention of this forum is for people of colour to share their thoughts and experiences, we would like it to exclusively be attended by those who identify as POC. However, if you’re a non-POC member who has ideas or experience on how to improve diversity within spaces, please share them with us by sending an email to [email protected].

The day will be facilitated by members of colours and there will be breaks in between with some refreshments.

Hope to see you there,

Partisan Collective

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